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Taxonomy and hazardous waste management, Chapter #1

Taxonomy and hazardous waste management, Chapter #1

Hazardous waste Europe really welcomes the outcome of the draft report on the preliminary recommendations for Technical Screening Criteria (TSC) for the EU taxonomy developed by the Technical Working Group of the platform on Sustainable Finance. We fully endorse the high level of ambition in the TSCs for separate collection, transport and treatment of hazardous waste as a means for pollution prevention and control (subchapters 13.1, 13.2 & 13.3): 👍Ensure strict separation of hazardous waste from non-hazardous waste for collection & transport 👍Avoid blending or mixing leading to dilution of hazardous waste and consequences due to inappropriate treatments 👍Ban organic hazardous waste in facilities treating hazardous waste prior to hazardous waste landfilling 👍Prevent or reduce at the minimum the discharge of priority substances and priority hazardous substances in water bodies due to indirect discharge via inappropriate wastewater treatment plants 👍Avoid mismanagement of POP waste, mercury waste and problematic health care waste 👍Guaranty that facilities benefiting from derogations under article 15.4 to the IED will never be taxonomy-aligned HWE would have liked to see the same level of ambition in other sectors (at least regarding derogations mentioned just above…) whose core business is not the treatment of hazardous waste but where hazardous waste end in conditions which lead to uneven playing field with our sector dedicated to the treatment of hazardous

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A zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment – HWE’s position

A zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment – HWE’s position

To pave the way towards « a zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment », the EU Green Deal annonced the objective of the EU commission to look more systematically at all policies and regulations and adopt in 2021 a zero pollution action plan for air, water and soil. Find HWE’s proposals to ensure that our legislation and principles reach this objective of a non toxic environment :  

Information, traceability & decontamination to ensure the « zero pollution » ambition for a toxic free environment »

Information, traceability & decontamination to ensure the « zero pollution » ambition for a toxic free environment »

A fruitful exchange with Mr. Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius Information, traceability & decontamination are key to ensure the « zero pollution » ambition for a toxic free environment called by the EU   Boosting circularity ♻️ & ensuring we don’t export our waste problems to 3rd countries is crucial. The role of the waste management sector is key.Useful exchange with Hazardous Waste Europe ahead of our new Chemicals Strategy for safe & sustainable by design chemicals next week! pic.twitter.com/tP9oQtLYCf — Virginijus Sinkevičius (@VSinkevicius) October 8, 2020

HWE’s recommendations Chemicals strategy for sustainability  May 2020

HWE’s recommendations Chemicals strategy for sustainability May 2020

Announced in the EU Green Deal as part of the actions to support zero pollution, the forthcoming European Chemicals strategy for sustainability represents a valuable opportunity to pave the way towards a non toxic environment. As HWE, we have developed 8 points to reach this objective – that you wil find further detailed in the paper: define substances of concern  adopt a grouping approach integrate missing hazards in the relevant legislation  ensure traceability ban dilution  guarantee clean material cycles through decontamination keep the hazard based approach for waste  support ECHA work  Download the paper: