HAZARDOUS WASTE EUROPE was present at the BRS COPs in Geneva Very positive decisions were taken and important revised Technical Guidelines have been adopted or progresses have been made in others for an Environmentally Sound Management of hazardous wastes and other wastes. Also a very good initiative from the Présidence française du Conseil de l’Union européenne, the European Commission and its Member States consisting in gathering challenges in the application of the PIC procedure. Ready to work on this in the coming months! Meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions: http://www.brsmeas.org/20212022COPs/Overview/tabid/8395/language/fr-CH/Default.aspx
Hazardous Waste Europe (HWE) welcomes the https://ec.europa.eu/environment/publications/proposal-new-regulation-waste-shipments_en We are very pleased to see that most of the main issues raised by HWE have been addressed with concrete and appropriate proposals: adaptation of the amount of waste in case of experimental treatment trials, clarification of the timing and deadlines regarding the requests for information, clarification about the effective end of a notification period, streamlining the conditions under which a facility can be pre-consented, implementation with deadlines for the electronic data interchange system, new perspectives to solve cases of disagreement on classification issues with a warning point on our strong expectation for the implementation of article 6 point 2 of the Waste Framework Directive. Nevertheless, HWE urges the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Members States to improve the proposal on the following points: Ensure that POP non-hazardous waste are covered by the prior written consent procedure, Include in the ESM perimeter the management of residues generated by the waste treatment as they are likely to be mismanaged, specifically in third countries. Not only disposal but also recycling operations should be covered because recycling operations may lead to the generation of hazardous residues when decontamination is properly performed, Ease public access to notification, Adapt requirements of article 11 to the case of hazardous waste management. Hazardous waste facilities including those providing disposal